AI Prolog PDF




Prolog programs describe relations, defined by means of clauses. Pure Prolog is restricted to Horn clauses. There are two types of clauses: facts and rules.

A rule is of the form Head :- Body

and is read as "Head is true if Body is true". For example 


animal(X) :- cat(X).

mean for all X, X animal if X is cat.


Fact is a clause without body. For example ‘Tom is a cat.’ is a fact and represented in prolog as


It may also be represented as

cat(tom):- true.


A term in prolog may be


Atom: An atom is a general-purpose name with no inherent meaning. Examples of atoms include x , red , 'Taco' , 'some atom’ .


Number: It can be floats or integers. For example 5, 2.5, 0.5, -2 etc


Variable: It is denoted by a string consisting of letters, numbers and underscore characters, and beginning with an upper-case letter or underscore. It represents placeholders for arbitrary terms.

A variable can become instantiated through unification.


_ denotes anonymous variable. It does not represent same value every where it occurs with in a predicate definition.

Compound term: It is composed of an atom called a "functor" and a number of "arguments", which are again terms For example


likes_movie(ravi, dangal).

The number of arguments is called the term's arity.



Execution of a Prolog program is initiated by the user's posting of a single goal, called the query. Execution strategy is called chronological backtracking.


mother_child(trude, sally). father_child(tom, sally). father_child(tom, erica). father_child(mike, tom).

sibling(X, Y)      :- parent_child(Z, X), parent_child(Z, Y). parent_child(X, Y) :- father_child(X, Y).

parent_child(X, Y) :- mother_child(X, Y).

This results in the following query being evaluated as true:

?- sibling(sally, erica).


The process of evaluation is shown below


father_child(Z, sally)                                       father_child(Z, erica)


father_child(tom, sally                                father_child(tom, erica)



          True                                                                True

This results in the following query being evaluated as true:

?- father_child(X, Y).

X=tom, Y=sally 

X=tom, Y=erica 

X=mike, Y=tom

The process of evaluation is shown below






q(X):-n(X). p(X,Y):-q(X),r(Y).




Loop and Recursion

Iterative algorithms can be implemented by means of recursive predicates. Order of rules is important.

For example program to check whether a number is natural number or not




natural(X):-Y is X-1,natural(Y).

Anonymous Variable

The name of every anonymous variable is _.


An ordinary variable stands for the same variable within one clause and bound to same value. On the contrary, every occurrence of _denotes a distinct variable.

For example


fly(X) :- green(X), dragon(X).


and happy(X) :- pass_exam(X,Y).


here, X in fly(X) and happy(X) are not related.


However, the occurrance of X in the definition of fly(X) refer to the same thing. In the following example , the variable represented by _ refers to different people balanced_child(X) :-brother(X,_), sister(X,_).


Prolog supports a data-structure known as list. List always starts and end with square brackets, and each of the items it contains is separated by a comma.

Syntex [item1,item2,….]

[Head|Tail] [item1,item2,…|others] Item may be another list.

For example


[a,b,c] ,  [a], [[a,b],c,[d,[e,f]]]


[a,b,c] unifies with [Head|Tail] resulting in Head=a and Tail=[b,c]


[a] unifies with [H|T] resulting in H=a and T=[] [a,b,c] unifies with [a|T] resulting in T=[b,c] [a,b,c] doesn't unify with [b|T]

[] doesn't unify with [H|T]


[] unifies with []. Two empty lists always match


Q: Do the following pairs of lists unify ?




[a,d,z,c] and [H|T]

Yes H = a and T = [d,z,c] [apple,pear,grape] and [A,pear|Rest]

Yes A = apple and Rest = [grape] [a|Rest] and [a,b,c]

Yes Rest = [b,c] [a,[]] and [A,B|Rest]

Yes A = a, B = [] and Rest = [] [One] and [two|[]]

Yes One = two [one] and [Two]

Yes Two = one [a,b,X] and [a,b,c,d]

No X can not represent the two atoms c,d


To check membership

member(X,Y) checks X is member of list Y?



?- member(a,[b,a,c]) True

?- member(a,[[a,b],c,d]) False

To check concatenation

concatenation(L1,L2,L3) check L3 is concatenation of L1 and L2?



concatenation([X|L1],L2,[X|L3]):- concatenation(L1,L2,L3).


concatenation([X|L1],L2,[X|L3]):- concatenation(L1,L2,L3).








To add a element in the front of a list




?-add(a,[b,c],[a,b,c]) true


?-add(a,[b,c],X) X=[a,b,c]

To delete an element from the front of a list


del(X,[X|Tail],Tail). del(X,[Y|Tail],[Y|Tail]):-del(X,Tail,Tail).

?-del(a,[a,b,c],[b,c]) True

?-del(a,[b,a,c],[b,c]) False

?-del(a,[a,b,c],X) X=[b,c]

To find out S is sublist of list L



?- sublist([a,b],[d,a,e,b,c]) False

?- sublist([a,b],[d,a,b,c]) True

To find out length of a list



len([_|T],N):-len(T,N1), N is N1+1.

?- len([a,b,c],4) False

?- len([a,b,c],X) X=3

Monkey and Banana Problem

There is a monkey at the door of a room


In the middle of the room a banana hangs from the ceiling


The monkey wants it, but can not jump high enough from the floor. At the window of the room there is a box that the monkey can use.


The monkey can perform the following actions.


·         Walk on the floor

·         Climb the box

·         Push the box around(if it is beside the box)

·         Grasp the banana if it is standing on the box directly under the banana. Solution:

We define the state as 4 tuple. (monkey_at, on, box_at, has_banana)

First parameter specify the position of monkey - door/middle Second parameter specifies whether monkey is on floor or on box Third parameter specifies position of box window/middle

Forth parameter specifies whether monkey has banana or not

move(state(middle,onbox,middle,hasnot),grasp,state(middle,onbox,middle,has)). move(state(P,onfloor,P,H),climb,state(P,onbox,P,H)). move(state(P1,onfloor,P1,H),push(P1,P2),state(P2,onfloor,P2,H)). move(state(P1,onfloor,B,H),walk(P1,P2),state(P2,onfloor,B,H)). canget(state(_,_,_,has)):-write("yes can get").


?- canget(state(middle,onbox,middle,has)) True

?- canget(state(middle,onbox,middle,has)) True

Arithmetic operators

Supports +,-,*, /, mod


is operator forces evaluation


?- X is 3/2



Relational operators

>, >=, =<,=:=,=\=


To find gcd of two numbers.


gcd(X,Y,D):-X<Y, Y1 is Y-X , gcd(X,Y1,D).

gcd(X,Y,D):-X>Y, X1 is X-Y , gcd(X1,Y,D).

?-gcd(15,40,X) X=5



Cuts for controlling backtracking

The cut, in Prolog, is a goal, written as !, which always succeeds, but cannot be backtracked past. It is used to prevent unwanted backtracking, for example, to prevent extra solutions being found by Prolog.

For example


C:-P, Q, R, !, S, T, U.

C:- V.

A:- B,C,D.



·         Backtracking done within the goal list P,Q,R

·         As soon as the cut is reached

ü  All alternatives of P,Q,R are suppressed.

ü  The clause C:-V will also be discarded

ü  No effect within A:-B, C, D, that is backtracking within B,C,D remains active.


To find out maximum of 2 numbers.



Adding an element to a list without duplication.





Negation as failure (use of !)

Example 1:


‘Rohan likes all jewellery except rings’ likes(rohan,X):- ring(X),!,fail. likes(rohan,X):-jewellery(X).

Example 2:

Different predicate.


different(X,X):-!,fail. different(X,Y).



Difference between fail and cut


·         Fail predicate forces backtracking whereas Cut predicate prevents backtracking.

·         Fail predicate always fail whereas Cut predicate always succeed.


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