INSERTION SORT :- ALGORITHM:= STEP1. SET A[0]:= INFINITY STEP2. REPEAT STEP 3 TO 5 FOR K =2,3,...N STEP3. SET TEMP:= A[K] AND PTR:=K-1 STEP 4. REPEAT WHILE TEMP<A[PTR] A) SET A[PTR+1]:=A[PTR] B) set PTR:=PTR-1 STEP5. SET A[PTR+1];=TEMP STEP6. RETURN CODE:- #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void insertionSort ( int arr [], int size ) { int i, j, key; for (i = 1 ; i < size; i ++ ) { key = arr [i]; j = i - 1 ; while (j >= 0 && arr [j] > key) { arr [j + 1 ] = arr [j]; j = j - 1 ; } arr [j + 1 ] = key; } } void main () { int a [ 5...